07581 576 198

Sandra Oram MIFA, MBRA, MARR

I qualified in Clinical Aromatherapy & Massage in 1992 and Clinical Reflexology in 1999.  I have also qualified as a Reproductive Reflexologist, working with couples trying to conceive. Please view my other pages to see a full range of treatments offered

I am a member of

  • The International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA)
  • British Reflexology Association (BRA)
  • Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (ARR)

Contact Me

Please contact me for any further information

Appointments are available Monday to Friday from 9 am until 6 pm, and on Saturdays between 9 am and Noon.

Easy on-street parking is available.

To book your appointment:
Call me on 07581 576 198 or email [email protected]

Sandra Oram MIFA, MBRA, MARR